Sunday, February 3, 2013

...are you sinning with impunity????? :O

are you sinning with impunity???

I know what it means, sinning without remorse, sinning, even though you know it is wrong, sinning even though not only does the Word tell you what you are doing is a sin, you have also been confronted about it, but you brush it away...

I looked it up: comes from the Latin.. :)

IMPU'NITY, n. [L. impunitas; in and punio, to punish.]

1. Exemption from punishment or penalty. No person should be permitted to violate the laws with impunity. Impunity encourages men in crimes.

so sinning as if there was no punishment... knowing, that what we are doing is against what the Bible says, not biblical, but going ahead and doing it anyways...

have to admit, that I have done that...
did it for a week and then just couldn't keep it to myself anymore.. had to confess to my mentor..

... I remember thinking "I know this is wrong, but I don't care"... this lasted about 30 minutes and then I was devastated... shocked at my callousness.. shocked that I could have just gone with my feelings at that moment..
fortunately godly sorrow, communicated through the Holy Spirit in me wouldn't allow me to go on..

I am thankful for that... it taught me one thing: we might think we have it together, we might think we are doing quite well with this holy living... but, we have no idea what we are capable of, when circumstances change..

God was faithful, I was not, He convicted me and I repented.. He forgave and wiped my slate clean..

when we dismiss what God tells us in His Word, and even though we know better, we go on sinning, we are indeed sinning with impunity... and that... that is really bad..
we are going to justify it away and create our "own God".. the one that fits with what we want to do and be... we are deceived and we can't really be sure if the things we like to believe about what the Bible says are true either....... scary if you ask me..

we can't be cafeteria Christians... pick and choose what we think applies today and what doesn't...

Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall,  and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ( 2 Peter 1: 9+10 )

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