Sunday, January 20, 2013

....Singles Excluded...

time this morning with my Jesus, letting His Word sink in, drawing close to Him, feeling loved and assured of my value.. who I am, not because of my accomplishments, my connections, my status or my possessions.. not because I am the mother of 3 beautiful daughters and not because I am the daughter of my parents, not because of the things I did right and the things I did wrong,  but just because of Him who made me and loves me..

going to church on a blustery day, when the warmth and the coziness of my bed were so tempting, being led into worship by this great Worship Pastor, who is just as a Worship Pastor should be, humble and willing to draw near to God... leading with a quiet strength that amazes me when considering his age....
worshipping and being filled with this love for Him.. this was, like always the best place for me to be...

and then... announcements. and like last week, an announcement about the Marriage seminar coming up right after Valentine's Day........

hmmmmmm.... have felt it last year when a similar event was announced and offered... an event that in the past I would have been one of the first one's to sign up for.. my Ex husband was always willing to go to these weekends.. no arm twisting needed..

an event that I am now excluded from, I am not in a marriage or even a relationship leading up to one... a Dinner a day after Valentine's Day.. I rather not think about that...

thinking about the last Marriage class my then still husband and I went to together, remembering how discouraging it was to see that we were basically beyond help... so sad and so frustrating...

better off???? well, in a way it doesn't even matter... because, it is my reality.. I am aware that there always have been people and always will be people that will be excluded from certain events.. I am okay with that..
I am sad, but I am okay, I am valued and loved and I don't need to be at a marriage seminar to feel significant.... Valentine's Day is just one other day the candy industry is pushing, and I shouldn't have chocolates anyways... will have to be intentional  about planning something for that day...

great sermon about the Love God has for us.. challenged to make sure my heart is in the right place... I think it is... really looking forward to seeing Him face to face when the time comes..

because, this is what IS MY REALITY TOO:

You reach beyond imagination
With a love outside of understanding.
You touch the lives of all Your children,
With beauty and goodness.

You know my words before they’re spoken.
You hear each cry, my every passion.
You draw me close and lead me into
Your beauty and goodness.

Wonderful, intimate, beautiful,
God of Love
You’ve always been faithful in
The way that You father me

Our God is good,
Our God is faithful,
Our God is strong,
Our God is able.

Thanks be to Him forever and ever. Amen

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