Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Concert @ Carnegie Hall = Foretaste of Heaven

since practising the music for the concert at Carnegie Hall in NYC, I have been reminded just how much I love the sound of harmonies.. the tenors, altos, sopranos and basses...
I do miss singing in a choir.. such joy to be part of something that harmonious..

I love music, I love classical music, I love the sound of a full orchestra.. there is such variety and the way it all works together has something ...

I think it resonates with my soul because there is such beauty to it, it has order, it is inspired, it is so intricately put together, I think it is safe to say it shows us a little of what God is all about..

singing songs that worship Him definitely enhances that feeling..
thinking back to my years in elementary school, Grades 1 - 4, singing in the choir, cute little children's songs and German folk music to my experience of being in the choir in my High school ( Grade 5-13) performing more classical pieces and then the last few years playing my violin in the orchestra..

it has always made my heart sing.... trying to get my head around the concert on Saturday, full orchestra, a choir made up of 300 men and women, singing Michael W Smith songs with him playing the piano and singing as well.........

sounds to me like something that will happen on a regular basis in heaven.. but here on earth?? and I am part of it..

so thankful for Michael and his team for coming up with an idea like this and opening it up to someone like me, so thankful I am able to take part in it, that my children are old enough to be on their own, that I can save up enough to pay for the travel cost and have capable wonderful women taking over for me at Hope for Life....

texting my friend Mary who is sharing the room with me, asking her if she thinks we will be able to sleep, she texted back : NO... and I think she is right on... too cool and too exciting..

so no matter the bad news I received today.. no matter the reminder of some ongoing hurt and difficulty, no matter that there is pain and trouble all around, He, the God of the Universe has something amazing in store for me and all my fellow Choir members and friends... we are going to Praise Him with all our hearts, souls and voices..... really hoping it will be pleasing to Him.. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you all the best this weekend Miriam. Give a big hello to Michael and his team for me! God Bless you with the voice of angels!
    Safe travels.
