pretty intense I would say...
there is much going on in my life right now, but that comes as no surprise..
decisions to be made, hopes filed away as not fulfilled ( and that is followed by sadness ), something great to look forward to
( performing on the stage of Carnegie Hall with Michael W Smith, yaha ), followed by something AWFUL to take place a month after, clients struggling with huge issues, my heart breaking for them... and so it goes on...
...back to the challenges God gave me in last week's passage ..it speaks about being Christ's ambassador...
We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.
( 2 Corinthians 5:20 )
huge task... well, He never calls without also equipping... so we don't have to get freaked out.. and yet.. what does it mean... an ambassador is a representative, we are called to represent Christ to the world, the people around us, and make His appeal to them to be reconciled to Him...
this ties in with what has been my motto for a long time ( and my first tattoo ;) SOLI DEO GLORIA
to God ALONE be the Glory...
living life to bring glory to God, representing Him well, in ALL circumstances... all of a sudden I realized that I had so far not even grasped how huge this is... all circumstances, every moment of every day, in every situation, relating with anyone..hmmmm, me being impatient, annoyed or critical? definitely failed to bring glory to God in those moments..
how are we ever supposed to get that one down??? there is no chance for me, out of my own strength to ever be able to do this... for that kind of transformation to happen I definitely have to walk closely with the Lord and enjoy His fellowship at all times, I have to be immersed in His Word for a meaningful time each day and focus my eyes on Him... I have to be in communion with Him, allowing Him to guide my every move, approve every word I say...
the good news is that this is going to be easy peasy once we are in Heaven...
for sure God is not setting us up to fail... all He requires of us is to draw near to Him... that is a decision we have to make every single day... it flows from there, He teaches, rebukes and corrects through His Word and through the work of the Holy Spirit we are increasingly transformed into His likeness.. being a representative of Him will be a cake walk then... :)
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