Saturday, October 27, 2012

..coming full circle?????

the last few years have been rather hard on my girls and me .. all of them had to deal with the break up of the family.. all of them were affected in a different way.. different ages, different personalities and different circumstances..

the faith of all three of them was shaken.. questions and doubts..  after all, what had God done to protect them from all the hurt and rejection..

make no mistake, even though the husband rejects the wife, the children feel rejected as well... security is taken away and all of a sudden many things that seemed real are found out to be lies..

such a harsh reality..
thanks to God I never doubted His love and protection, but then again I had been walking with Him through many, many years of suffering and had grown in my understanding of what it means to know Christ in His sufferings, that things intended for evil He turns into good, that He is trustworthy and faithful...

my heart was broken, for myself and for what my girls  had to go through..

the last 6 months or so have brought some healing for them, some more turmoil for some, but dealing with things for others..

over all, my daughters are returning to the Father they can trust and that makes me so very happy... it is amazing to see just how faithful He is to them... how He has been growing them up through the sadness, how He has never let them go.. how my prayers for them were always heard..

I knew it... but I couldn't quite see it.. yet..
I am feeling that we are coming full circle... at least "most of us"... full circle does not mean the absence of conflict, things to deal with, I mean full circle in regards to our relationship with Christ... feeling so very blessed that I am sure today that I will be spending eternity with my beloved children...
they have been given to me as a gift... a gift I get to keep for forever...
God is so good...

Children are a gift from the Lord;
    they are a reward from him.
Psalm 127:3

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