Saturday, June 1, 2013

.. CANNOT wait... or maybe "I don't want to wait anymore"... ha

Please, only because you might have a man in your life don't think there isn't anything for you here... just bear with me ;)

"Don't take "finding" a man or a relationship into your own hands. Pairing you with His best for your life is EASY for Him. But because God understands TIMING, it's dangerous to step out on your OWN time and date a bunch of random people that... He never told you to go out with. You then experience ALL of this hurt, soul ties, drama, get a broken heart, and whatever else...all while Christ is sitting there and saying "I had nothing to do with these men. I will restore you and make you whole... but you have GOT to stop trying to control your life". God has NOT forgotten about you, have you forgotten to trust Him?" posted by Spiritually Single on fb

ok... so trying to figure this out..

God's will.. Discernment.. Trust.. Patience.. it doesn't have to be the elusive man in your life... it could be a solution to a difficult situation.. a decision to make about your future..someone suffering that you love.. it could be a heartache or trauma you are dealing with you so want to understand and find answers for....

ok... so, how are we to know God's will..

first of all: obviously it cannot be contrary to what His Word says.. that's a no brainer... ( to be sure about that we have to KNOW it ;)

secondly: we pray and ask for His will to be done.. for wisdom and guidance..

look at what others have done ( Christian Superheroes like Noah :)


sometimes though, we know that God will want some action from us.. sometimes we do have to make a decision... sometimes we just CANNOT ( or so we think... truth is we don't want to ) wait any longer... we want it to end, we want what we so long for..

is it wrong to take action? what if, in my situation, two people pray for guidance and still... at the end: not God's will.. ha.......

how do we know? what should we do or not do?

single situation again: what about Christian Dating sites? taking action... is it wrong?

I am getting the feeling that it... duh.. all comes back to what kind of a relationship we have with Christ..
is He our strength and joy? how close are we? the two of us?  do I rest in Him alone??? have I surrendered my thoughts in obedience to Him? which actually means not just once but choosing to do this over and over again... when the loneliness crowds in and Satan is having a good ole time...

do I run to Him.. when the solution I am waiting for is just not showing up.. when the mountain seems unsurmountable and the hurt just kills......  like a child that runs to her Mom or Dad, holding it together until she can let herself sink into the safe embrace.. the parent will all be ok.........

so... I think that God has a plan.. knows the timing and for sure is more than capable of making it all happen... I think that all He wants from us to be "in sync" with Him at all times... I know that if I really rested in Him.. fully.. 100% I would not struggle late at night when I am by myself.. I know that then and there I have to choose to let myself fall into His arms.. and contentment and joy and peace will be mine even then... like the rest of the time :)

will she be able to beat the cancer? will there be more strife in the family ? more hurt? will my children be happy? will they serve God and love Him with all their hearts?? many questions.. God alone has the answers.. He doesn't give us a print out of His plans but I know they are to prosper and not to harm, they are to give me a hope and a future... and I know He is good.. He will never leave or forsake me or my girls... hmmmm... :)

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