“Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every lost person this side of hell.” David Platt
another quote form the same author:
“Radical obedience to Christ is not easy... It's not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its reward in Christ. And he is more than enough for us.”
found out I am radical... not weird, radically sold out to Christ, conservative, as in sticking to what the Bible says, and radical, as in wanting to live for Him..
and then, I received some news, a situation I have known about for some time seems to be unfolding in the worst possible way..
this potentially will endanger my " comfortable way of life".... puts things into perspective to face something like this..
as I am struggling to continue to trust God in this, the phone rang... and it was my mother... first part of the conversation was about that situation and some other negative stuff, as in Chemo side effects and heart problems..
suddenly my mother starts telling me about that she has been reading in the Bible we got for her... she has some questions, and there we are, 6000 km apart, looking up scriptures and discussing what that means for us.....
the way it all makes so much sense to her now, her willingness to learn and see, brought tears to my eyes..
and there it all was brought back into perspective...
who cares of the things of this earth.. the hurts, disappointments and hardships... there is nothing sweeter than sharing the love of Christ with my mother, and knowing that we are on this side of heaven, both saved, and that she will be with me in heaven, filled my heart with such joy...
seeing a lost soul saved is the greatest joy there is... the news today will bring difficulties I abhor, especially since it will affect me without having had anything to do with bringing this on... but again, nothing can compare to the sweet fellowship I now enjoy with my beloved mother..
I am praising God..... for His plans cannot be thwarted... He is good and powerful... He alone is worthy of my praise...
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