Sunday, March 10, 2013

...bloopers and Praises :)

...looking forward to getting to see my mother for a week, my beautiful daughter and I made our way to the airport on Friday... just to realize that between my almost 75 year old father, his travel agent in Germany, who only reluctantly uses modern technology ( as in emailing me :O ) and me on the other side of the pond.... our departure date had been changed ..  ultimately my fault, I should have checked the dates when I finally got emailed my eticket....
so back home we went.. stopped by Michaels to buy some scrapbooking things for the album we want to make for my Mom of this trip, had a bite to eat....
this is where the second blooper happened... took my wallet out of my "packed for travel" purse, that, with my suitcase, stayed in the car... long story short, a dear friend of mine kindly took us to the airport and lo and behold... my wallet didn't make it... still in my car, in my garage.... great...
thanks to modern technology and my daughter's wallet in her possession I transferred some money into her account,  thanks to "RBC app for my iPhone :)"
feeling yucky fighting a head cold, I had asked for prayer, knowing that my poor mother, being on Chemotherapy can't really have a sickie around...

arrived safely, had only dosed off here and there for a little nap all night, or what remains of your night, when you lose 6 hours traveling east... only to have to drive the 220 km to the final destination...
did that too, arrived safely again.....
head cold much better to pretty much gone, thanks to the One who hears our prayers.. I had some cool conversations with my mother again... so thankful for the fact that she really is getting it now... seeing and understanding things, so obviously a result of the Holy Spirit in her... Hallelujah...

since I left on Saturday evening I have been listening to "The Promise" one of the songs we sang with Michael W Smith at Carnegie Hall.. on repeat obviously... over and over and over again..
I have been in bed, wide awake after a 3 hour sleep, it is 1:45 am here right now... WORSHIPPING my Jesus, oh How I Love Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fear not
Oh, Israel
For there is peace
Still to come
A word to break
The silence
A promise
Set to bloom
The promise
To redeem us
One to free us
Break this silence
In the violence
In our lives

Emmanuel is sure
To find us soon
The mighty rule
To Jesse's
Star of truth
And bring us
Unto glory
Tell His story
Heal the broken
And restore
Thee to His name

The star
Will guide us
To the humble place
Where Christ
The King
His earthly face
And we
Will see Emmanuel
God is with us
God is for us
God is in us
We will see

Singing Hallelujah
Singing Hallelujah
Our God is with us

by Michael W Smith

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