Thursday, March 28, 2013

..evil.. greed.. depravity... THE ROCK!

God is Holy!
He is sovereign.
He is great.
He is the Rock.
He is faithful.
He is upright.
He is just.
He does no wrong.
His works are perfect.

in the world there is: 

godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness

the people:

their thinking is futile and their foolish hearts are darkened. they have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. they are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,  slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;  they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.  although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

He came.. He lived without sin, He died for my sins, and rose again.

He has prepared good works for me to do, He has a purpose for me and He has called me to be holy, because He is... He sent the counsellor, who now lives in me.

sin done against me. again. obedience on my part: forgiveness and a resolve to accept the consequences.
consequences: huge and never experienced before.

changes: tremendously big. potentially.

Me: seeking His wisdom and strength ... because:

God is Holy!
He is sovereign.
He is great.
He is the Rock.
He is faithful.
He is upright.
He is just.
He does no wrong.
His works are perfect.


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