Tuesday, July 24, 2012

...deception and junk food...

when my children were little they had many food sensitivities and couldn't at all have sugar or any other junk.. to add something like zucchini, or cucumber to their list of foods made them ecstatic...
I remember telling them when they were older that I would not have allowed them to eat junk food anyways, and that because of their inability to stomach it, it was easier to stick to this healthy lifestyle..

I was thinking of this today.. still overwhelmed and saddened by all that is going on around me ( and in this world...) one could be tempted to adopt the motto of today's society: Life is so short, let's make the best out of it while we can.....whatever feels good must be good for us...

it seems that the one that tries to do things right, in accordance with God's will, gets the short end of the stick... ( it even seems he is the horrible and intolerant one.. how that got all twisted around I do not know.. but then again, Satan is the king of deceit.. that's a whole different story)

thankfully...for some reason, even when I was not redeemed and a follower of Christ, I just couldn't "stomach" what this kind of life meant.. I am baffled how one can live this way and not break completely when having to deal with the consequences of it, without God in one's life to give strength and hope... I definitely broke down under it all..

I cannot stomach pleasure / happiness, that costs others, stepping on others because I want something, deception, greed, arrogance... never could..

had I had a chance to choose to have a very thin skin in order to do be so weak and fragile to need God and stay close to Him - like my kids stomach and skin problems when eating most things, kept me from giving in to letting them have stuff that wasn't good for them anyways, - I probably would have..

so what seems to be a"condition of weakness" was really a blessing: my children all love healthy food, and had far less sugar intake in the early years of their lives.. and even though they are all "better" I think they still eat relatively healthy..
I, thankful that God has saved me, just need to rely on Him even more when the darkness of this world seems to be trying to swallow me up... which in the end keeps me protected ..

so, no, I am not going to give up trying to live to please my Lord, I am not going to see what I can get out of this life, by abandoning the morals and ethics the Bible teaches... I am choosing the narrow path, even if that means I do get the shorter end of the stick ....

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
( MAtthew 7: 13+14 )

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