so blessed to have been able to spent the last 3 days in a beautiful place.
somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. not that pretty or exciting and FREEZING cold.. yet. I know that I spent the last 3 days in a beautiful place.
out in the prairies. somewhere. a place permeated with the love of Christ. so tangible. so real.
beautiful because it's all about Him here. beautiful because of the sincerity of young hearts seeking after Him.
a special few days for me because by bringing me here He made me step out of my comfort zone and therefore draw near to Him more urgently.
speaking in front of students and faculty, sharing my brokenness. it had me nervous. and so I pleaded with Him. to fill me with the knowledge of His will, in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner WORTHY of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work...
my slides and my notes and all that I wanted to say. it frightened me. I didn't think I would be able to make sense of it. and so I pleaded.
no surprise. because of all the spiritual wisdom and the fact that through Him I can indeed do all things He calls me to do it flowed and it made sense. Hallelujah and all the glory be to Him for that.
beautiful. a beautiful place. beautiful young hearts, men and women. so blessed to get a glimpse of some of their love for the Lord. their passion. their struggles. real and authentic. so encouraging.
beautiful. beautiful because in His presence He, my Saviour, always is at work changing me. He revealed something huge to me.
and so I am leaving here today changed. more aware of the reality of who I am in Christ. a sinner saved by grace. overwhelmed by His love for me. His provision and grace, undeserved favour. His mercy. not being punished according to my sins, but rather loved, cared for, held close, every need met. my cup overflows...
praising Him. waiting expectantly what He will do next. what an amazing God we serve.