Sunday, June 29, 2014

...God's will and setbacks and garbage????????

well.. I guess no one ever said it would be easy..
no one ever said we would be able to figure it out...
we want to, we so want to... but no one ever said we would..
it might not even be a good thing... it pretty sure is not..
I think it is actually part of our sinful nature, wanting to be independent and only relying on ourselves..
this comes to you from someone who was told she is intelligent and a logical thinker..
someone who studies and researches and really wants to know...

I have no idea how one can figure out God's will.....

some things make sense, some just don't... as I have gotten to know Him more and more, through studying His Word, meditating on it, trying to live a life walking with Him as closely as I can, trusting Him as much as I can and obeying Him, by His grace and strength as well as possible....

that's all I can come up with... His will is one huge mystery....

His Word tells us so.. it educates me to Who He is, my interactions with Him have shown me more of who He is... and so, all I can do is to trust Him.. and the fact that His plans cannot be thwarted, He orchestrates and decrees, He permits and sifts all things that happen to us through His loving hands..

He alone knows the beginning from the end.. He alone sees the front of the tapestry He is busy weaving, perfectly timing it and all..

 so what this might mean things will not be resolved.. so what this might mean heartache and sickness and even death.. He is the author and creator of all things in heaven and on earth.. He is the Great I Am...
God Almighty and Lord of lords and King of kings...

who am I to question Him... all I can do is marvel at His love, His mercy, His care and grace..
all I can do is obey Him and trust Him, all I can do is serve Him and rely on Him to give me refuge and help, in times of trouble and praise Him in times of real deep joy...

so....... once again taking my eyes off all the stuff that frustrates and hurts and overwhelms...
there is such FREEDOM in that...

with the help of faithful friends I am going to try and stand on this... taking each day and all it's setbacks and garbage, giving it over to Him ... one step at a time....

“I know that you can do anything,
    and no one can stop you.
 You asked, ‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’
    It is I—and I was talking about things I knew nothing about,
    things far too wonderful for me.
 You said, ‘Listen and I will speak!
    I have some questions for you,
    and you must answer them.’
 I had only heard about you before,
    but now I have seen you with my own eyes.
I take back everything I said,
    and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.”
Job 42:2-6

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