my youngest, who had just turned 13 when it all happened is going to graduate High school in a month..
there is not really sadness anymore about what happened then. it's just a day, it's also my mother's birthday, so I guess it will always stand out.
looking back, I definitely can see God's hand in all that has happened in those years since.
even the upheaval of the last 10 days. He is there. He loves me. He loves my girls.
He never abandons or forsakes us and He WILL restore the years the locusts have eaten.
finally, after far too many years, I went and got the diamonds of my engagement ring and a pair of earrings I got once for my anniversary made into a new ring. it's called a Trinity ring and I thought that was fitting...
it fits my ring finger on both my hands, so I can wear it on my left, because my God, my maker is my husband.. Jesus is my groom, or, I can just wear it on my right.. :)
it gave me joy, I have to admit, it sparkles, and let's face it, diamonds are a girl's best friends.. or not?
learning something really important.. it's not new, but is sinking in on a deeper level...
no one and nothing can steal my joy. no one and nothing can take away the hope that I have. as I walk with my Saviour, lover of my soul and best friend, the more I understand the deep, profound and extravagant love He has for me, I am learning to just lean into His embrace and expectantly wait to see what He is going to do.
fear has no place in my life, neither does hopelessness.
the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is going to make my life turn out exactly the way He wants it to...
nothing to be scared about..
I love the sparkles.. I love that He had those for me just now.
I love that no matter what the storm.. no matter how devastating the flood... He is King over it all.
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