O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever?
How long will you look the other way?
How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul,
with sorrow in my heart every day?
How long will my enemy have the upper hand?
Turn and answer me, O Lord my God!
Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die.
Don’t let my enemies gloat, saying, “We have defeated him!”
Don’t let them rejoice at my downfall.
But I trust in your unfailing love.
I will rejoice because you have rescued me.
I will sing to the Lord
because he is good to me.
Psalm 13
posted this passage as part of a blog post 2 1/2 years ago..
a door I had thought would open for me had just been shut right into my face a month before and I was discouraged..
the Lord did work some things out, showed me some stuff about myself and an idol I had erected, made me take it down and actively embrace my circumstances instead...
in the meantime the main reason I had had no sparkle in my eyes has been restored..
faithful like He is, my Father in Heaven has restored the years the locusts have eaten and I am blessed..
there is, even now, never a shortage of issues and difficulties and trials that have me struggle with anguish and sorrow in my heart..
trusting in His unfailing love a means of survival each day.
I have realized one thing.
the "once this is dealt with, I won't be anxious anymore" is one huge lie we tend to believe
I am sure that fear and anxiety is just my "go to emotion",
that it is something in me, that causes me to end up there over and over again
my circumstances, like anyone else's are always going to include difficult and sometimes heart wrenching things.
what will I do with them..
will my default reaction be to trust Him
or to be afraid ?
I can decide that.
having the Spirit of the living God in me,
I can choose to fix my eyes on Him, the mountain mover rather than on the mountain,
no matter how unsurmountable it seems..
the power that resurrected Christ is mine,
I do not have to allow the enemy to deceive me into feeling lost and powerless.
the Creator of the Universe is on my side
He is good to me
He rescues me
He unravels me with a melody
He splits the sea so I can walk right through it
His love has called my name.
I am His
What can man do to me?
For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future,
nor any powers,
neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate me from the love of God
that is in Christ Jesus my Lord and Saviour
Romans 8:38-39
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