Sunday, December 16, 2012

.. no more violence, tears or pain....

I thank the Lord for giving Himself as a ransom for many.. I thank Him, the Word, for becoming flesh, for Him, the sinless One to pay for my sins and make the reality of death something not to be feared but to be anticipated as the moment when the ugly caterpillar will morph into the beautiful butterfly she was always supposed to be..
when earthly purpose will be transformed into eternal purpose, when joy will never leave, when sickness and weakness, violence and injustice will be forgotten and never seen again..
when life finally will be restored to what it was always meant to be..

to live is Christ, and to die is gain.. spiritually groaning we long for the day when we will be at home with the Lord and we don't have to be upset for messing up again..

always aiming to please the Lord.. as I am drawing closer to Him every day my love for Him is growing and growing and growing.. tears welling up today singing about Jesus... His amazing love for us... He is our hope... He alone will never disappoint, spending eternity face to face with Him will be eternal bliss... not boring, but invigorating every single day again and again...

today marks 2 important days in my life.. 16 years ago today my youngest daughter was born, a scheduled C-section, early in the morning we were making our way to the little hospital... saw her being lifted out of my tummy and will never forget that joyful moment in my life.... proud of her for the beautiful young woman she has become.. inside and out...

the other important event was my husband leaving the house at midnight to never be back, three years ago.. can't believe it has been 3 years..

thankful that we can function well enough for a broken family, the fact remains that we are just that...
that " not supposed to be" like events are happening.. and will continue to happen..

eternity without hurt, disappointment, pain and tears... sounds really good to me..
so today, as every day I am thanking Him... for He alone is worthy to be praised!!!!

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