Tuesday, October 13, 2015

grateful for trials = joyful always

so much going on, seems to be that is the "normal"... in some way I kind of would like to ask for a break sometime.. but hey... complaining about this makes me someone who does not trust God and I choose each day anew " to trust and not be afraid"... so.. it's all good...

so much going on on so many levels that I have to admit I do get overwhelmed..

falling back on tried and true methods of dealing with anxious thoughts I do prayerfully give all that stresses me out to God each morning and again and again as things arise and come to the forefront during the day.. but... I realized something two days ago.....

in this beloved verse in Philippians ( Phil 4: 6-8 ) we are told to give all our requests to God in prayer and petition and THANKSGIVING........

Ha... I kind of have not been thanking God for the many trials and difficult situations lately, I give them to Him and I choose to trust and take any thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ when fearful ones come up..but I have not thanked Him for them in the last little while.. I don't know how that happened.. somehow it slipped my mind..

it was Thanksgiving weekend in Canada and even though since my children were all away in Europe, I did not cook a turkey and had a Thanksgiving meal,  I was thinking and reading about being thankful ...

this one hit home:

"Thanksgiving is more than a holiday, it's a holy way to walk through all the dark days. 
It's only when you finally choose to be grateful, that you finally become joyful! "
Ann Voskamp

walking through dark days and difficulties and stresses I have not been grateful for them I have to admit.. always grateful for all the blessings yes, just not the difficulties..

and there it was.. the reason I was not quite getting that peace, that joy, that is so available for us who are in Christ Jesus... so, I changed my way to pray.. I thanked God for all that is not quite going the way I would want it to... for all the things that seem so hard and complicated.. because, let's face it, in it, I am made aware of how much I need Him, how when I am weak and sad and frustrated He carries me.. how when I don't know how, He shows me a way, how because I ask Him for it I know it is Him who helps me... and on and on it goes..

so Lord, I thank you for the complications and the heartaches.. I thank you that I do not have any control when it comes to things that are so very dear to my heart... that I am persecuted for obeying you and standing up for what is right, that I am at a loss and need your wisdom in so many of the scenarios of our new life together..... ( like immigration and all that ) 

I thank you Lord because in it all I am learning to trust you even more, I am learning that you are always wanting to be on the forefront of my mind, at the centre of my life... you always want to be right there with me, because, let's face it, you put me before all your desires when you said " your will be done Father.. " in the garden ... right before you went to the cross willingly on my behalf.. 

so thank you, Jesus, thank you Father and thank you Holy Spirit, for making me part of your family... thank you for continually allowing situations that bring me to my knees before you... and keep me there.. thank you for showing me once again that this peace that surpasses all understanding is indeed mine when I, with thanksgiving give all my requests to you... 

I praise you because you are faithful and you will never cease to work on me, making me more like you...

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:17-18

thank you too Lord for your Word.. I so love how it informs me how to live my life. how even though I might be hated for it, I know that it's all about pleasing you and being obedient to you.

in the end, and really always, from beginning to end.. it is always all about you and you alone Lord.. I am so thankful I know that.. and I know you.. what a privilege.. eternally grateful for that one!

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