Wednesday, February 18, 2015

..chest pain ... just "stress"... He is my strength and my defence...

lately I have been experiencing chest pain... quite a bit actually,  and I think I have to once again go and get that checked out..
I used to have it a lot of years ago and everything came back negative usually, "just" stress related they said..

when "the stress" left me a little over 5 years ago.. so did the chest pain... ha...

thinking about this on my 5 hour drive home yesterday I concluded that, I guess, there is quite some stress in my life.. or has been especially in the last 9 months..

a lawsuit pending that is quite high, for the "sins of the father"
a lien on a house
two moves in 6 months because of that
financial stress in re to that which hopefully gets resolved March 6
intervention in parent's lives to try and help them and the resulting back lash
a mother having cancer
a father having Parkinson's
a family issue added just a few months ago that surpasses all that has been there before in how difficult it is to deal with
one dog almost dying and now dealing with his kidney disease
and now the other one in critical condition as well

on the positive side..
my beautiful children
my ministry
my friends.. and.. of course..
I found him whom my soul loves...
which results in some, even though positive, yet stress... traveling back and forth and supporting him through some of his stresses..

waking up this morning, chest pain and all, this is what came to mind:

 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

way back when the waves were far higher,  in the summer... I was given this amazing verse:

Surely God is my salvation;
    I will trust and not be afraid.
The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense;
    he has become my salvation.

since then, I have had such tremendous peace about all the financial stuff and so, how crazy is this, I have not even been praying about this much... just trusting the Lord for it.. surrendered to His will, knowing that He has my back.. I realized I do have to "list" it all and present it to Him like the scriptures tell me.. so this is what I did this morning..

no worries, I will go and get my heart checked out, but I am quite sure once again it is "just" the stress.. 

checking my email just now I had two notifications about 2 young children battling cancer that I pray for and a message about funeral arrangements for a 8 week old baby...

praying for all those needs and my clients and other people I know and love I am thanking God for His blessings.. I am thanking Him for allowing all this "stressful" stuff in my life because it does one thing.. one most important thing.. it drives me to my knees because there is no way to not see this:
without Him I CANNOT handle any of this.. with Him, I can have peace and joy and live my life reflecting Him to those around me.. and that's what it is all about anyways #SoliDeoGloria

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Just yes. I've been there - where it all seems to be piling up and I don't think I can take one. more. thing. Then I get more thrown at me.
    It's only through the Glory of God that I am able to list my worries and give them to Him. To surrender completely to His will for me and trust in His plan.
    Like a soft veil the comfort of knowing His love for me is enough to get me through this day. Walking in His presence and doing His will for me. Not mine.
    Love this. Thank you!
