the day did come.. she took off again, this little, or not so little anymore daughter of mine.. on another jet plane.. to a land far, far away.. this time "just" for a little less than two months.. so hey.. that's peanuts.. we can do this..
was able to share with her once again how proud I am of her, how much I love her.. reminding her of some things she knows.. some things I will pray and hope she will hold onto as she ventures into the world once again..
I just so would want for her to understand her value better.. I would so love for her to know who she really is..
that she wouldn't have to make sure she posts her instagram photos at the perfect time
that she wouldn't have to make sure she always looks perfect... down to the perfectly curled eyelashes..
that she wouldn't allow "the world" to determine her value.. by likes and followers and such..
that instead she would know that she has been beautifully and wonderfully made..
that she is cherished and that there is One who rejoices over her with singing.
that there is the One who quiets her with His love and knows her worth.. duh.. He made her in His image and knows her intimately..
that He loves her and will never abandon her.. that she doesn't have to prove anything to Him,
that He has plans to prosper her and not to harm her, that He will give her a future and a hope ..
that if only she fixed her eyes on Him, she could see that her path has already been laid out..
that there is a purpose bigger than herself,
that there is blessing and joy and peace..
and a love that will never leave or forsake...
I so would want for her heart to be so full of love from her Daddy in Heaven that disappointments by those around her wouldn't push her deeper into the pit of insecurities..
praying for her, because that's all that's left for me to do... it's all I can do, but it also is the very best I can do.. and, I will never stop.. for her and her sisters.. because, let's face it, I LOVE them with a love that will never be shaken.. a love that never ends.. a love that knows no boundaries..
from the moment I knew of each of them growing inside of me the love for them has increased ... sometimes it is hard to contain it..
so thankful I am the mother to my three daughters.. they are a gift and a reward from the Lord..
He blessed me indeed when He gave them to me..
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