Friday, March 21, 2014

.. That's it, for now anyways... The END....

it's now been almost 4 years that I have been writing a blog.
going through deep pain, heartache and huge changes in my life at the time, I needed the outlet and the response I got made me continue sharing what the Lord was doing in my life...

lately, I have not felt that need that much anymore and almost feel very self absorbed and full of myself thinking others really want to know what's all going on inside of me.. heart, soul and mind...

so I might just be done with this phase of my life and that is, in so many ways, a good thing..

my Lord and Saviour continues teaching me, ( thankfully He won't give up until the day He takes me home and I get to gaze into His tender eyes for the first time ) life continues throwing garbage and hurt and just "regular dysfunction stuff" at me... so nothing has changed much..

what He has been teaching me in the last 3 or 4 months is that rather than processing by writing a blog, sending prayer requests out etc. I need to come to Him more. Him alone.

Him and I, we are this team, we are always hanging out together, and as I am ( in my head, heart and soul ) preparing to be all alone as in single empty nester in a few months, once again, His timing is perfect.

I have said Good bye to trying (through means available at my fingertips at any time) to find that man that might be out there a year ago or so .. and so I am continuing to surrender the need for companionship, affection and connecting to Him ( daily, hourly..sometimes every minute ;)

 Him and I, we are walking along this path, that is my very own, different from everyone else's and yet so similar to others, we are communing, sharing our deepest thoughts and insights and when it gets too tough, He shares in my tears as well....

He is calling me to a deeper place.. calling me to take my eyes off myself... so as to walk in a manner worthy of Him.. always pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of Him...

He is calling me to rather than stay in the place of sadness and loneliness to fix my eyes on Him, and others, loving them the way He loves me. blessing them through intentionally spending time and giving of myself..

so, long story short. I think my blogging days are kind of over.... for now. anyways.. thanks for journeying with me, you know who you are. I appreciate y'all!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's kind of sad to close this chapter, but also a happy moving-on thing too. <3
