Thursday, December 8, 2016

.. and HE entered this world clothed in baby skin.....

sitting here with my laptop, right next to my Christmas tree, my little puppy dog on my lap I am listening to some German Christmas songs...

it's snowing outside and it is cozy and warm in here..

thinking about the miracle of Christmas..

Jesus, the Son, who was with God, who was God, through who all things were made and all things were made for Him...  there was nothing made that was not made by Him and for His glory...
that Jesus, because of the Father's great love for us, He came and He entered the world..
He entered human baby skin and was born.. small, crying, helpless, in a stable..
because there was no room for them in the Inn....

He came, knowingly embracing His purpose.. living life amongst us, all man AND all God all at once.. knowing that He would give His life as a ransom for many..
that having lived life here on earth, being tempted but not having sinned He was to be and became the ultimate sacrifice, to pay for sin once and for all for all who the Father would give Him, who would believe in Him... even though they had not seen Him, who would love Him and worship Him and honor Him...

listening to the church bells on the album my mother would play on Christmas Eve right before we were allowed to come into the room.. listening to the words so clearly stating the truth I am marveling that right now she is seeing Him... and it brings tears to my eyes..

truth is we are missing her. and we will miss her more when Christmas is here.. the rest of my family will be celebrating at my parents place in Switzerland and they will feel the void so much more than we will.. after all, my Mama never made it here, to my new home with my new husband...

I am sad she is no longer with us, I am thankful that what we believe in is truth and that therefore we will see her again.
I am sad also because of how easily people will like and embrace the Good News of the arrival of the little baby Jesus, and how much today they reject all that He came for... He came, because we NEED a Savior... we all have fallen short of what it takes to have eternal life with God... we all deserve to spend eternity forever separated from Him, in a place called hell...

those people forget that in order to claim Him as our Savior we also have to accept Him and bow before Him as our Lord...
He has revealed Himself and His plan in His Word... and no... we have not evolved beyond what He put together for eternity..
His commands still are as true as they were 2000 or more years ago... all of it.....

when 22 1/2 years ago He finally opened my eyes one thing was absolutely clear to me right away ... there is no place for "Cafeteria Christianity"... you cannot pick and choose what you would like to believe is true... it either is all true or none of it is...

so this Christmas... as my mother is able to see clearly... let's marvel at who He really is, Jesus, Emmanuel, Mighty God, Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace and let us OBEY Him !!

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