Wednesday, December 9, 2015

" Daddy can you fix this???"

But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law,  to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.  Because you are his sons ( and daughters ) God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.
Galatians 4:4-6

had to read the first verse of this passage for my quiet time today... looking into the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah that came true when Jesus was born.. and then I read on.. and there it was.. 
something my Daddy in Heaven has been whispering into my ear for the last few days..

you see I am struggling.
something has happened and this girl here has been struggling not to be full of fear and anxiety.
scriptures are great.
365 fear nots in the Bible..
one for every day.. so one can be sure that this is something that God really wants us to get.
surrendering to whatever God's will will be in the situation, another step to take..

but then, just a few days ago.. there was this:
I am your Daddy.. 
ha... not sure what that means..
see, I didn't have that.. 
I was not "Daddy's little girl"
I was not the little princess
I was scared
I was neglected
and I never felt safe or secure or loved or treasured or any of those things

so.. I have read it
I know it
I have met Him in many ways, and yes, even as my loving Father over the years

I know I can come to Him with anything 
I know He delights over me with singing
I know He cares like no one else

but my Daddy..
all of a sudden I felt I could pray just this:
Can you fix this for me Daddy???

so, reading on in Galatians 4.. 
the Spirit of His son is in my heart ( knew that )
I am now an heir with Christ
I can call out, the Spirit in me calls out
Abba Father..
My Daddy..
I tried to listen inside and feel what that might mean..
he loves me
he keeps me safe
he enjoys my company
he is excited about me
he encourages me
he spurs me on
he cherishes me
he comforts me
he watches over me
he defends me
he thinks I am fun
and cute
and special

 so, He has my back..
I can rely on Him
I can trust Him
I can give Him all my fears and sorrows 
I am not alone
I am not helpless and hopeless
I am a princess
I am the daughter of the King of kings
I am His little girl..
Daddy's little girl..
so thankful for His WORD..
it never disappoints.
He never disappoints 
I love Him

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