Monday, April 20, 2015

...if the door doesn't open, it's not your door...

haven't been here for a while.. so much percolating.. so much going on... it seems like it is getting a little clearer maybe..  He is doing something, and it is big..

when you ask and ask and ask for direction, for doors to open or close and for wisdom and guidance.. and you keep on asking and looking.. holding loosely all that means so much.. willing to give it up for whatever it is He has for you..

expectations.. because, with Him all things are possible, without Him.. well, I don't want that..
it has to be His will or I won't have any part of it..

.. I am all about His will to be done, on earth, in my life, in my relationship, as it is in Heaven..
so patiently we have been waiting, and seeking Him, and waiting some more.
taking little steps in obedience and waiting.
He has closed some doors, one was an iffy one to begin with, another seemed like something really cool, something He would do.. such potential blessing, and yet.. not our door..
so glad we stepped out in faith though.. would never have known otherwise that this was not what He had for us..

so, it seems that it is going to be coming together and it is exciting.
truth is, I know with my Lord there never is a dull moment.
since the day He opened my eyes and unstopped my ears, the journey has been an amazing one.
in our one on one times together He tells me many wonderful things.
I know now that He has chosen me and thought of me even before He created the world..
I know that He is excited when I come to Him, I know that He wants to know everything about me..
how cool is that.
He also has those amazing plans for me. He is happy to give me His Kingdom, I am a co-heir with Christ and all that is His, is mine too. the same power that raised Christ from the dead is in me. and so with Him, I can do all things.
He tells me to seek His Kingdom first and that's what he, the man that God so wonderfully brought into my life, and I, have been doing. focusing on Him, and bringing Him glory, we have been seeking Him out and have laid our desires and plans down before Him..

in expectation we are now waiting to see what will unfold... is it going to be easy? not all the time.
but it's going to be worth it.. never a dull moment, but so many blessings, my heart overflows with gratitude ..

who am I that you are mindful of me dear Jesus.. I will never be able to get my head and heart around that one..

I love you.. FOREVER and EVER..

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