meeting with my "little" small group last week, sharing with them what God has been revealing to me over the last few rather trying weeks this is what transpired:
sometimes we have to realize that what is going on is "just" us sharing in Christ's suffering.. ( which we should expect and which is a good thing )
this is the scripture that comes to mind:
The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Romans 8:16-18 ESV
have known this verse for some time and that is how God , my Father, could remind me of it.. have known it in a different version though, and here just one little word is a bit different..
yet does it ever make a HUGE difference..
it's the word "provided"..
sounds to me here that if we are not sharing in the suffering we might not be God's children / co-heirs with Christ???????
Ha.. that's interesting.
so far I looked at this that there was a potential for this to happen
that it should be something we actually invite, willingly accept
because it allows us to know Christ even better
to know Him in His suffering.. at least to some extend..
never figured out that.. we are children of God, The Holy Spirit testifying to our spirit.. that we are PROVIDED... if we indeed... share in His suffering
this is big.. this is important and this is going to help me immensely ..
I have learned to accept the suffering and trials in my life as something that the Sovereign God of the Universe because of His purposeful goodness allows
I have learned to accept them as part of "in this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world".. my Jesus telling us what to expect..
I have learned that in the trial He refines me, makes me more like Him
I have learned that in the trial I learn to trust Him more,
rely on Him more, know Him more, love Him more
but that.. that's new to me..
if I am a child of God I WILL FOR SURE also share in His suffering..
provided... what a word.. ha.. never a dull moment with my Jesus.
gotta love Him <3