I have always taken many pictures.. of everyone, everywhere... long before it was "in" and "trendy" to do this and post it on social networks..
this morning, I would have liked to have taken a picture..
the moment the one little baby finally fell asleep on my chest, and the other, slightly older one, also nestled up on me looking at him and pointing and saying "baby"...
it was, and these are not my kids, one of those moments that makes life worth living..
it was one of these moments when your heart just overflows with love and everything seems alright..
what made it so significant is that really, nothing much is alright these days..
what made it so significant was that Jesus showed me something through this brief little glimpse of what it is all about..
when allowing oneself to be happy and have fun is kind of hard because someone one cares about struggles like never before..
when taking your thoughts off the physical and emotional struggles of that someone so far is almost impossible and those thoughts have you close to tears or in tears a lot of the time..
then a moment like this is extra precious...
this morning when praying with my husband I asked the Lord that he, my husband would have glimpses today of Jesus, of what He is doing, always, yet so often without us seeing it, how He is faithful and keeps on fighting our battles and providing all that we need..
praying for His mercy and grace and comfort for family members I need to decide every moment anew that I trust Him to keep His promises.
I need to do what the Bible tells me and give Him all my requests, with thanksgiving and LEAVE them with Him and the peace only He can give surrounds me.
I have to trust Him and wait on Him, I can't borrow tomorrow's trouble because today holds enough of it's own, I can't dwell on the horrible because in His Word He tells me only to dwell on what is praiseworthy, noble and lovely... and rather take every thought that won't fit in with this, captive to the obedience of Christ and surrender it to Him, leave it in His capable hands, hands that are most powerful.. hands that control everything, informed by His purposeful goodness... yes, even when someone is dying of cancer..
so this morning, this picture worthy moment ( and obviously my "arms" were full so I couldn't take one, and those are not my kids so I wouldn't have taken one anyways ) helped me soothe my aching heart.. I allowed it to warm my soul and I enjoyed it... because..
His eyes ARE on the sparrow, the little babies, me, my mother, my husband, my children... on all that He has chosen according to His purpose, His perfect plan and will.....