Wednesday, June 8, 2016

.. single and struggling with loneliness???? been there, but HE was there with me...

a few years ago, a little less than 5 to be exact.. during the first year of being "single" "left" "dismissed" and "discarded"... struggling with loneliness and rejection, this is what I wrote:

You whisper..
You want my attention
My undivided attention...
no distractions..
What were You saying??


What do you mean?


But why??


But you don't understand..


But I need to know...
Why aren't You telling me..

"Just wait"

But I can't...

"With Me all things are possible"

But Why... why can't You just tell me?

"Trust Me
 Don't settle for second best..
I have something amazing planned for you"

But Lord... How?

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High 
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."


" I Satisfy you in the morning with my unfailing love, 
that you may sing for joy and be glad all your days.
Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you"

But Lord... I am lonely..

"For your Maker is your husband— the LORD Almighty is His name— 
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth."

You are?
" I am.. and I delight over you with singing
I love you with an everlasting love my child"

Thank You, Lord... 

I praise you

And I will wait on you..
and trust You forever more.

the struggle was real and I struggled and waited and struggled some more and waited some more.. and then, when the time was right ( apparently ) I met " the something amazing He had planned for me"... today I have been married to this man for almost 10 months.. not only has my relationship to my Father in Heaven become deeper and stronger throughout those years,  I am also blessed beyond anything I could have ever imagined or even asked for. so ... if you are single.. lonely and tempted to settle for second best... DON'T...... He means it... JUST WAIT on Him.. <3